So, what is this Google accelerated mobile pages and how will it help me? Well if your curious on how this can help your online business then you came to the right place.
The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project by Google, also known as AMP, was created to improve the mobile web experience. Website pages built with accelerated mobile pages (AMP) will load instantly on mobile devices, enhancing the overall user experience.
Although this project by Google was originally developed for publishers, it has since expanded to other types of websites as well.
Keeping up with Technology Demand and Customer Expectations
As technology continues to change so does the expectations of our customers. Customers will soon expect mobile pages to load instantly and by not keeping up with the latest standards in mobile strategy could potentially hurt your brand.
Google Accelerated Mobile Pages is helping brands move more quickly and become more efficient on the mobile landscape. It provides a faster way for customers to gain information about information and answering potential micro-moment decisions that could impact their purchasing decision.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is something that companies should pay attention to when considering their mobile strategy and mobile audience visibility in the future.
If you need help implementing Accelerate Mobile Pages on your website we are here to help.